Monday, May 23, 2011

Harvest and Happenings in the yard ......for the week of May 22

First off, I got to harvest Spinach this week!  Yay!  One of my favorites......yum.  Also harvested Mustard greens from the volunteer plants, that grew from the plants, that went to seed last fall.  I also got a few red lettuce leaves for the sandwiches.  Lastly, I got to harvest asparagus not once....but twice!!  So we are off to a wonderful start, I think.

Spinach overwintered

Spinach from seeds

Mustard greens volunteers!

Spinach and lettuce


Mustard greens

Asparagus harvest #1

Asparagus harvest #2

For everyone else's harvest, head on over to Daphne's Harvest Mondays.   These are a few pictures of new growth and development in our yard.  All of the plants started indoors are still inside!  I was looking forward to transplanting atleast some of the flower plants outside this weekend, but the weather has not been very co-operative.  It has been raining on and off all day long.  I'll try to work on them this week. 

Plants basking in the sun

Crabapple tree starting to bloom



Peony plants

Yellow asiatic lilly plants

Zestar! apple tree blooming for first time.

Flowering Almond


  1. Great harvest! That asparagus looks wonderful!

  2. You spring blooms are beautiful! I find myself jealous over your spinach... I just can't seem to grow the little buggers...

  3. Ah, apple blossoms. Something I need to teach my apple trees to do. LOL.

  4. Allison - Thanks! They were delicious too!

    Tiny Gardener - Spinach likes cooler weather, but for me they only grow in the spring and not in the fall, for some reason(:

    Barbie- For some reason, our apple tree did not put on any blossoms last year, so we are excited to see some Zestar! apples this fall.

  5. I think we are only a week or so ahead of you. It's like looking at my yard! Love the mustard volunteers and once again, I vow to overwinter spinach this time.

  6. I envy your asparagus. It is one of my favorite spring vegetables.

  7. Ottawa Gardener - Compared to last year, we're a lot behind in our zone. It's still in 40s for the lows(every other night1), so I am still wondering, if I should set out my heat loving plants.

    Daphne - I envy your 'everything' garden!lol!

  8. Hi, Nice to meet another gardener from India (?). I guessed seeing your methi, mustard and radish pod harvest. I am impressed by your produce, garden and especially asparagus :). Growing some food is my hobby, have been trying for last couple years.
