Monday, May 7, 2012

Harvest Monday - May 7, 2012.

Well, since none of my greens did any good, all I am harvesting are Asparagus!  I suppose, it is not all bad, atleast I am able to eat something from the garden :)  I got two harvests just this week!  To check out what others are harvesting around the world visit Daphne's Dandelions.

I did plant spinach, Red Sails lettuce, radishes, aragula in early April, but they're still about 1/2 inch in height (:  Must be the crazy weather we've had, too hot and too dry with in between periods of cool weather. 

The past week, I also planted potatoes - Rose Finn fingerlings and Yukon gold, Red onions, carrots, beets, white radishes, swiss chard and turnips.  Peas were planted about a week ago.


  1. Your harvest is better than mine!
    Better luck next week!

  2. What I wouldn't give for fresh asparagus from the garden!

  3. Any harvest is a great harvest! Enjoy your asparagus!

  4. Oh but asparagus is so yummy! I can't wait until next year when mine should really be producing!
