Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Harvest Monday - Oct 28 2013

Deceptively, these harvests are all the last ones being harvest on 10/17.  We had a frost on Oct 19 this year, which is almost a whole month later than forever(or since I started to garden:).  I did not have to cover plants, protect plants or even worry about frost this year!  What a great garden year! 

For all other harvests this week, please visit Daphne's Dandelions.

These are the last harvests before I started cleaning off the yard in preparation for next spring...
Bell peppers
Eggplants, bittergourds, sweet peppers
Green chillies


  1. Beautiful harvests. Our cold temps arrived right on time this year. But weirdly the plants haven't frosted over. I still have beans alive in the garden even after two nights at 30F.

    1. Thanks Daphne! This year we probably got frost around the same time. Usually we are a month ahead and a whole month less of harvests !

  2. Hello RandomGardener! I have been going through all your previous blog posts! You have such a beautiful vegetable garden..Are you not gardening or blogging anymore ? Would love to see more posts!!
