Sunday, October 28, 2012

Harvest Monday - Oct 29, 2012

I thought that I had posted the last of my harvests, but obviously not :)  I did combine two weeks of harvests in this post.  It is not much, but cleaning up the garden, I did manage to get some more carrots, turnips, kohlrabi and (gasp) my first (and maybe my only) brussel sprout stem!!  I have no idea at what point to harvest them, but the lower ends started to flower and the top sprouts looked plump enough that I thought I would harvest them.  Yes, it was cooked into a delicious side dish today - with kids approving of it :)

As usual thanks to Daphne for hosting the Harvest Mondays!!

Carrots, radishes, turnips
Brussel sprouts


  1. That's what my Brussels sprouts look like, but I think I'll hold off for a while. We're not expecting freezing temperatures for at least the next 10 days. Now I wish I hadn't pulled my broccoli, but I really thought we were in for some freezing weather.

  2. I wish I could get Brussels sprouts to hmm well sprout. I've never harvested a Brussels sprout in my life. I won't get any this year either.
